How to get a data entry job
Now-a-days data entry jobs draw a great attraction to the job seeker. Because, it does not need any previous experience and job seeker do not need to take any formal training. Most of the data entry jobs are home based. But, there are some data entry jobs that can be done from sitting at home.There are a lot of sites like oDesk,freelancer, sriptlance,Elane in where a plenty of data entry jobs can be found. Data entry means entering data into software programme at a high speed.This kind of jobs may result a boring one for those who don't like typing all day long on a computer. So, before coming in this profession you have to tolerate this and you need have a lot of patient. This kind of jobs can be part-time or full time. Most of the people work as part-time specially it is a great chance for the students to make their pocket money. If you want to qualify for these jobs you need rapid typing speed. There are some instructions for those who want to get a data entry job-
- The first and foremost thing you have to improve that is your typing speed. It is the key to get a data entry job. A data clerk enters data into software programme very quickly. So, you should improve your typing speed. Speed can be varied. But, initial measurement of your speed is 30 word per minute. You can improve your typing speed by typing master.
- Accuracy is most important factor to get a data entry job. Without accuracy your fast typing is meaningless. You can easily type 400 strokes just in one minutes. But, this data have to be 100% accuracy. Otherwise, you may be fired from the job.
- Memorization can be a great thing for data entry clerks. Your time may be wasted when you look at the keyboard. So, memorize the keyboard and you will be able to improve your typing speed. Make it as habit. So, your finger will be find out the keypads without looking at the keyboard.
- Practice makes a man superman. The more you practice, the more you will be able to improve your typing speed. Employer always take a test from the candidate to check their typing speed. You can practice by using online practicing test so that you will be able to impress your employer.
- After getting the expected goal of your typing you can find data entry jobs in job website and blogs.If you want home based data entry jobs. You can visit the freelancing sites. Here you will get plenty of data entry jobs.
1 comment:
Nice to see, that was a interesting article.
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